Monday, July 19, 2010


Dancing on imagination,

Twirling, spinning,

Into beautiful formations,


People, places, stories,

New lifetimes;


Go wild,

In an amazing,

Breathingtaking way,

To produce a sensation

So magnificent,

You are,

Dancing on imagination.

Chatuga Where's I'd Rather Be

Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been at summer camp: Camp Chatuga! So now that I am back, I will post some more.

P.S. This is a really short post. More posts to come.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Inspiration for Writing

When you decide to write, how does it come to you? What inspires you? What is the force that brings you and writing together as one? For me, it is atmosphere. Where I am, and who I am around. The setting, the beauty, the peacefulness. All is taken into account when I decide to write. Normally inspiration strikes, a power not to be reckoned with, only appreciated; yet I am most likely to be in an area that is gorgeous, or has hidden beauty. A story, a deeper meaning, a postcard, picturesque scene. For example, I wrote my poem, Rolling Hills, while on a scenic highway on a road trip, while looking at the window at the magnificent rolling hills of the country of Tennessee. All together, I am inspired by my surroundings, the people, places, landscape, and beauty that I see. What inspires you?